Reincarnated as a Sword, also known as I Became the Sword by Transmigrating, is a light novel series written by Yuu Tanaka and illustrated by Llo. The series has so far produced 14 light novel volumes as well as 12 manga volumes. The series also spawned a spin-off manga, Reincarnated as a Sword: Another Wish, which debuted in June 2020. So far, five volumes of the spin-off manga have been published. RELATED: The Best Isekai Anime With an OP Main Character

Is Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2 Happening?

Reincarnated as a Sword’s official website has announced that the anime will have a second season! However, there is no specific date or time for its release yet as of writing. Hence, fans would have to read the light novel or the manga in the meantime to follow Fran’s journey toward self-evolution. With so much material to cover, C2C will have no trouble maintaining continuity for Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2. In reality, Season 1 of the anime only covered 25 chapters of the manga and one volume of the light novel. Despite being an isekai, Reincarnated as a Sword received a MAL rating of 7.41 and an IMDB rating of 7.0, which are significantly higher than shows of the same genre. Aside from that, the light novel has sold 1.8 million copies, so it’s not surprising if the anime is renewed for a second season at a later date. READ MORE: Does the Sword Ever Return to Human Form in Reincarnated as a Sword?

Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2 Release Date Predictions

The release date for Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2 is currently unknown, as the show’s producers and creators have made no announcement about it yet. Fans will have to wait for more information in the months to come. Typically, second-season announcements follow the final episode of an anime. But in the case of Reincarnated as a Sword, the anime has already completed its 12-episode run, and no word on the second season’s release date has been made yet. In this regard, it is possible that Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2’s release date will be announced next year or the year after. The series might now focus on promoting its Blu-ray and DVD releases, with Volume 1 set to come out on January 11, 2023. We are hoping that a second season release date announcement will be made by then. READ MORE: Where to Start Reading Reincarnated as a Sword After the Anime

Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2 News and Updates

Currently, the only major announcement about Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2 is that it is confirmed to arrive in the future, albeit with no specific release date yet. While waiting for further news and updates regarding Season 2, fans can re-watch the anime for the time being or read the light novel or manga to continue the story of Fran and her master in Reincarnated as a Sword! Want the latest on all things anime? Make sure you follow us on Twitter!

Will There Be a Reincarnated as a Sword Season 2  Release Date News and Predictions - 21