For those who are unsure what a harem is, a harem in anime is a kind of story wherein the male character is surrounded and loved by a lot of female characters. One recent example is Harem in the Labyrinth of Another World. We already know that he is surrounded by female characters like Ayano and Kisara, but do they love him enough for Engage Kiss to be considered a harem?

Who is Shu Ogata?

As mentioned, Shu Ogata is the male protagonist of Engage Kiss. He is a good-looking character with messy black hair. At first glance, Shu might look like a loser considering that he struggles to pay his bills. He would only choose jobs that are linked to his goal which is to clear the name of his father and to find his little sister. 12 years ago, his father along with other citizens was killed by a demon and the city blamed his father for it. Shu was then adopted by Miles wherein he was trained to be a demon-slayer. He worked in a private military company where he met Ayano and the two had a relationship. However, one day, he started having dreams about his little sister being alive which encouraged him to start a new company to look for her.

Will Shu End Up With a Harem in Engage Kiss?

There is a huge chance that Shu will end up with a harem considering that both Ayano and Kisara have feelings for him. Sharon Holygrail was also an ex-girlfriend of him who he poisoned. Some fans believe that she could still be alive and if that is true, there is still a huge chance that she still has feelings for him too. The main question now is, who will he choose? Will it be his ex-girlfriend Ayano or his current partner Kisara? Viewers will have to watch Engage Kiss to find out.

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